On Thursday, May 23, the Senate overwhelmingly passed landmark legislation to provide post-9/11 veterans with comprehensive educational benefits. Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) introduced this bill seventeen months ago on his first day in office. The measure--cosponsored by Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), John Warner (R-VA) and a strong bipartisan majority of their colleagues--won approval in the House last week.
The following is a statement from Senator Webb:"Today, the Senate took a historic step toward a modern and fair educational benefit for the men and women who have served honorably since 9/11. This bill properly responds to the needs of those who answered the call of duty to our country--those who moved toward the sound of the guns--often at great sacrifice."Congress today resolutely asserted that it is time for those of us who have been calling on these brave men and women to serve again and again to assist in providing a meaningful chance for a first-class future. This is a bill that is equal to the first-class service that they have given to this country."I am gratified by the substantial support we received today in the Senate for this new, robust GI Bill. The effort was only made possible by the solid investment and leadership of my chief cosponsors, Senators Hagel, Lautenberg and Warner, in addition to the unwavering support of our nation's leading veterans' organizations. We were able to forge consensus with four veterans at the helm: two from WWII--Senators Warner and Lautenberg?--two from the Vietnam War--myself and Senator Hagel; two Democrats, two Republicans."There are no politics here. This is about taking care of the people who have taken care of us."This measure has been passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress. But, our work is not done here. I call on the President to put politics aside and do what's right for our nation's newest 'greatest generation' by signing this bill into law."
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INDIANAPOLIS (Feb. 2, 2010) – The Americ...
15 years ago
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